-------------------------------------------------------------------- #92 動物の権利の問題について、もっと良く知るために推薦できる本や 定期刊行物としては、どういったものがあげられるでしょうか。 --------------------------------------------------------------------
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動物の権利哲学 "The Case for Animal Rights", Tom Regan, University of California Press. [1983] "The Struggle for Animal Rights", Tom Regan, International Society for Animal Rights, Inc., Clarks Summit, PA. [1987] "Rain without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement", Gary L. Francione, Temple University Press. [1996] "Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog?", Gary L. Francione, Temple University Press. [2000] "Animals, Property, and the Law", Gary L. Francione, Temple University Press. [1995] "Animals' Rights", Henry Salt, AAVS (op. cit.), $6.95. 一世紀以上も前に書かれた、まぎれもない古典で、現在起きている議論の多くを予測し ています。 "No Room, Save in the Heart: Poetry and Prose on Reverence for Life--Animals, Nature and Humankind", Ann Cottrell Free, AAVS (op. cit.), $8.95. "The Unheeded Cry: Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain and Science", Bernard Rollin. [1989] "Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism", James Rachels. [1990] "Morals, Reason and Animals, Steve Sapontzis. [1987] "Political Theory and Animal Rights", Clarke and Lindzey (Eds.) この本では、人間と動物との関係や責務について、プラトンからリーガンに至る思想家 たちによる興味深い引用を紹介しています。 [1990] "The Nature of the Beast: Are Animals Moral?", Stephen Clark. "Animals, Men and Morals", Godlovitch et. al. [1971] "Fettered Kingdoms", John Bryant, Fox Press Publishers, Winchester. ペットの扱いをめぐる有名な告発について、ふれられています。 [1990] "The Moral Status of Animals", Stephen Clark, Oxford University Press Publishers, Oxford. 人間の動物に対する扱いの起源について書かれた感情に訴えかけるファンタジー[1977] "The Savour of Salt--A Henry Salt Anthology", G. and W. Hendrick, Centaur Press Publishers, Fontwell. [1989] "Animals and Why They Matter: A Journey Around the Species Barrier", Mary Midgley, Penguin Publishers, London. [1983] "Beast and Man", Mary Midgley, Harvester Press Publishers, Brighton. [1979] "Animal Rights--A Symposium", David Paterson and Richard Ryder, Centaur Press Publishers, Fontwell. [1979] "Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals", Michael W. Fox, St. Martins Press, New York. [1990] "The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory", Carol J. Adams. [1990] "Rape of the Wild: Man's Violence against Animals and the Earth", Andree Collard with Joyce Contrucci. [1989] "The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery", Marjorie Spiegel, Mirror Books, NY. [1988] "Animal Liberation", Peter Singer, PETA Merchandise, P.O. Box 42400, Washington, D.C. 20015, $3.00 post-paid. 動物の権利という考え方を世に広めた本 [1975, 1990] ※上記の日本語訳 『動物の解放』(ピーター・シンガー著/戸田清訳 人文書院) "In Defense of Animals", Peter Singer. ※上記の日本語訳 『動物の権利』(ピーター・シンガー編/戸田清訳 技術と人間社[絶版])
動物製品と工場畜産 "Animal Factories", Jim Mason and Peter Singer, AAVS, 801 Old York Rd, Suite 204, Jenkintown, PA 19046-1685, $12.95. 肉や牛乳や卵のために、大量生産される農場の動物の実態と写真。[1980, 1990] ※上記の日本語訳(現在、在庫切れの様です) 『アニマル・ファクトリー』(ジム・メイソン、ピーター・シンガー著/戸田清訳 現 代書館) "Factory Farming: The Experiment That Failed", Animal Welfare Institute, P.O. Box 3650, Washington, DC 20007. 動物の福祉や、経済的側面の現状から工場畜産を総合的に告発 [1988] "Waste of the West: Public Lands Ranching", Lynn Jacobs, P.O. Box 5784, Tucson, AZ 85703. "Do Hens Suffer in Battery Cages?", Michael Appleby, The Athene Trust, 5a Charles St, Petersfield, Hants GU32 3EH. めんどりの苦しみについての科学的証拠 [1991] "Alternative to Factory Farming", Paul Carnell, Earth Resources Research Publishers, London. 経済的側面からの工場畜産に対する反対意見。 [1983] "Chicken and Egg: Who pays the price?", Clare Druce, Green Print Publishers, London. 養鶏産業に対する批判[1989] "Taking Stock: Animal Farming and The Environment", Alan Durning and Holly Brough, Worldwatch Paper 103, WorldWatch Institute, 1776 Mass. Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20036-1904. 畜産によってもたらされる環境に対するダメージについて。 [1991] "Assault and Battery", Mark Gold, Pluton Publishers, London. 農場が動物や人や環境に与える影響について[1983] "Animal Machines", Ruth Harrison, Vincent Stuart Publishers, London. 工場畜産について書かれた最初の本[1964] "Facts about Furs", G. Nilsson, et. al., Animal Welfare Institute, (op. cit.) 毛皮用農場と罠について [1980] "Pulling the Wool", Christine Townend, Hale and Ironmonger Publishers, Sydney, Australia. オーストラリアのウールと羊産業について [1985]
動物の権利の歴史 "All Heaven in a Rage", E. S. Turner. 1960年代にいたるまでの動物保護運動の歴史を紹介する [1964] "Animal Warfare", David Henshaw, Fontana Publishers, London. The rise of direct action for Animal Rights. 動物の権利のための直接行動の起源について [1984] "History of the Humane Movement", Charles D. Niven, Johnson Publishers, London. 大昔から現代に至るまで(の人道的行動)[1967] "Animal Revolution", Richard Ryder, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. 動物の福祉や動物の権利運動の概略 [1985] "The Animal Liberation Movement: Its Philosophy, Its Achievements and Its Future", Peter Singer, Old Hammond Press Publishers, Nottingham, [1986] "Man and the Natural World", Keith Thomas, Penguin, London. History from 1500 AD to 1800 AD. [1991]
動物の権利に関する立法、法律 "Animals and their Legal Rights", The Animal Welfare Institute, Washington D.C. [1990] "Animal Rights, Human Wrongs", S. Jenkins, Lennard Publishings, Harpenden, UK. RSPCA(英国動物愛護協会)の職員の体験から動物に関する法律の不備を実証する。 [1992] "Up against the Law", J. J. Roberts, Arc Print, London. Public Order Act 1986(という法)と動物の権利運動の抗議行動との関係。[1987] "Animals and Cruelty and Law", Noel Sweeney, Alibi, Bristol UK. 活動家である法廷弁護士が、法的見地から動物の権利について議論する。[1990]
動物の権利の理論体系 "Christianity and the Rights of Animals", Andrew Linzey, Crossroad, New York. [1987] "Animal Sacrifices -- Religious Perspectives on the Use of Animals in Science", Tom Regan (Ed.), Temple University Press, PA. [1986]
サーカス、ロデオ、動物園 "The Rose-Tinted Menagerie", William Johnson, PETA (op. cit.), $16.50. サーカスや水族館や動物園の舞台裏の事実について書かれた本 "Animals in Circuses and Zoos--Chiron's World?", Marthe Kiley-Worthington, Little Eco Farms Publishing, Basildon, UK. 動物園やサーカスの動物が受けている扱いに関する調査 [1990] "The Last Great Wild Beast Show", Bill Jordan and Stefan Ormrod, Constable Publishers, London. How animals are snatched from the wild to be shipped to zoos worldwide. 動物はいかにして捕らえられ、世界中の動物園に運ばれるか [1978] "Beyond the Bars", Virginia McKenna, William Travers, Jonathan Wray (eds.), Thorsons Publishers, Wellingborough, UK. 動物を監禁状態におくことの不道徳性 [1987]
食物の倫理 "Diet for a New America", John Robbins, PETA (op. cit.), $12.50 post-paid. 肉食を主体とした食生活の問題を、その解決法とともに検証する。食べ物と病気との 関係についての情報も提供。 "Compassion: The Ultimate Ethic", V. Moran, American Vegan Society, NJ, USA. 東洋哲学と西洋哲学におけるビーガニズム(完全菜食主義)の起源について探求。 [1991] "Food: Need, Greed and Myopia", G. Yates, Earthright, Ryton UK. ベジタリアン/ビーガンの立場から見た、世界の食糧問題 [1986] "Radical Vegetarianism", Mark Braunstein, Panjandrum Books, Los Angeles. [1983]
ガイド、ハンドブック、参考書 "Save the Animals! 101 Easy Things You Can Do", Ingrid Newkirk, PETA (op. cit.), $4.95. ※上記の日本語訳 『子どもたちが動物を救う101の方法』 (イングリッド・ニューカーク著/AVA-net翻訳チーム訳 新泉社) "67 Ways to Save the Animals", Anna Sequoia, Harper Perennial, $4.95. [1990] "The Animal Rights Handbook -- Everyday Ways to Save Animal Lives", Berkley Books, New York, $4.50. [1993] "PETA's Shopping Guide for Caring Consumers", PETA (op. cit.), $4.95. A must have! Lists names and addresses of cruelty-free companies. 必須! 動物実験していない、あるいは動物性食品を扱っていない会社のリストと住所 "Keyguide to Information Sources in Animal Rights", Charles R.Magel, AAVS (op. cit.), $24.95. "A Shopper's Guide to Cruelty-Free Products", Lori Cook, Bantam Books, New York, $4.99. [1991] "Animal Rights: A Beginner's Guide", Amy Achor, Writeware Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, $14.95. [1992] "The PETA Guide to Action for Animals", PETA (op. cit.), $4.00. "The Extended Circle: A Commonplace Book of Animal Rights", Wynne-Tyson (Ed.) 歴史全体を通しての思想家たちによる数百の短い引用や抜粋 [1989] "The Animal-Free Shopper", R. Farhall, R. Lucas, and A. Rofe A. (Eds.), The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St. Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7AA, UK. [1991] "The Animal Welfare Handbook", C. Clough and B. Kew, 4th Estate, London, UK [1993]
実験動物と商品テスト "Vivisection and Dissection in the Classroom: A Guide to Conscientious Objection", Gary L. Francione and Anna E. Charlton, AAVS (op. cit.), $7.95. 法律の引用、弁護のサンプル、書簡 [1992] "Animals in Education: The Facts, Issues and Implications", Lisa Ann Hepner, Richmond Publishers, Albuquerque NM. [1994] "Entering the Gates of Hell: Laboratory Cruelty You Were Not Meant to See", Brian Gunn, AAVS (op. cit.), $10.00. "Animal Experimentation: The Consensus Changes", Gill Langley (Ed.), MacMillan Publishers, London. 倫理観の変化について概説したエッセイ集 [1991] "Slaughter of the Innocent", Hans Ruesch, Civitas Publications, Swaine, NY. [1983] "Naked Empress: The Great Medical Fraud", Hans Ruesch, CIVIS, Klosters, Switzerland. なぜ、動物実験が人間の病気の主な原因となるのか [1982] "Victims of Science: The Use of Animals in Research", Richard Ryder, National Anti-Vivisection Society, Centaur Press Publishers, Fontwell. 動物実験を非難した古典的名著 [1983] "The Cruel Deception: The Use of Animals in Medical Research", Robert Sharpe, Thorsons Publishers, Wellingborough, UK. 動物実験の残虐さと無益さについの詳細 な調査 [1989] "Free the Animals!", Ingrid Newkirk, PETA (op. cit.), $14.00. Story of the Animal Liberation Front in America. アメリカにおける、動物解放運動の最前線についての本。
定期刊行物 "Animals Magazine", 350 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02130. "The Animals' Agenda", P.O. Box 6809, Syracuse, NY 13217-9953. "Animal People", P.O. Box 205, Shushan, NY 12873. "The Animals' Voice", P.O. Box 341-347, Los Angeles, CA 90034. "Between the Species", P.O. Box 254, Berkeley, CA 94701. "Bunny Hugger's Gazette", P.O. Box 601, Temple, TX 76503-0601.
野生動物 "The Politics of Extinction", L. Regenstein, Collier-Macmillan, London. Classic denunciation of the wildlife carnage. 野生動物の大虐殺を告発した古典的著書。[1975] "Wildlife and the Atom", L. Veal, London Greenpeace, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX, UK. 原子力産業における動物の扱い [1983]参照: #1、 #94
#92What are appropriate books and periodicals to read for more information on AR issues? There are hundreds of books that could be recommended. We provide only a sampling of books and periodicals below. Please refer to question #94 for further book references and reviews. Space limitations forced us to avoid children's books. Refer to the guide books listed for full bibliographies. ARFAQE/TA/DG/ JLS/AECW Animal Rights Philosophy "The Case for Animal Rights", Tom Regan, University of California Press. [1983] "The Struggle for Animal Rights", Tom Regan, International Society for Animal Rights, Inc., Clarks Summit, PA. [1987] "Rain without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement", Gary L. Francione, Temple University Press. [1996] "Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog?", Gary L. Francione, Temple University Press. [2000] "Animals, Property, and the Law", Gary L. Francione, Temple University Press. [1995] "Animals' Rights", Henry Salt, AAVS (op. cit.), $6.95. Written more than a century ago, a true classic, anticipates many of today's arguments. "No Room, Save in the Heart: Poetry and Prose on Reverence for Life--Animals, Nature and Humankind", Ann Cottrell Free, AAVS (op. cit.), $8.95. "The Unheeded Cry: Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain and Science", Bernard Rollin. [1989] "Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism", James Rachels. [1990] "Morals, Reason and Animals, Steve Sapontzis. [1987] "Political Theory and Animal Rights", Clarke and Lindzey (Eds.). This book provides interesting excepts from thinkers since Plato to Regan on the issue of our relations and duties towards animals. [1990] "The Nature of the Beast: Are Animals Moral?", Stephen Clark. "Animals, Men and Morals", Godlovitch et. al. [1971] "Fettered Kingdoms", John Bryant, Fox Press Publishers, Winchester. Includes a well-known indictment of pet keeping. [1990] "The Moral Status of Animals", Stephen Clark, Oxford University Press Publishers, Oxford. The roots of humans' treatment of animals in sentimental fantasy. [1977] "The Savour of Salt--A Henry Salt Anthology", G. and W. Hendrick, Centaur Press Publishers, Fontwell. [1989] "Animals and Why They Matter: A Journey Around the Species Barrier", Mary Midgley, Penguin Publishers, London. [1983] "Beast and Man", Mary Midgley, Harvester Press Publishers, Brighton. [1979] "Animal Rights--A Symposium", David Paterson and Richard Ryder, Centaur Press Publishers, Fontwell. [1979] "Inhumane Society: The American Way of Exploiting Animals", Michael W. Fox, St. Martins Press, New York. [1990] "The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory", Carol J. Adams. [1990] "Rape of the Wild: Man's Violence against Animals and the Earth", Andree Collard with Joyce Contrucci. [1989] "The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery", Marjorie Spiegel, Mirror Books, NY. [1988] "Animal Liberation", Peter Singer, PETA Merchandise, P.O. Box 42400, Washington, D.C. 20015, $3.00 post-paid. The book that popularized Animal Rights. [1975, 1990] "In Defense of Animals", Peter Singer. Animal Production and Factory Farming "Animal Factories", Jim Mason and Peter Singer, AAVS, 801 Old York Rd, Suite 204, Jenkintown, PA 19046-1685, $12.95. Facts and photos on farms that mass produce animals for meat, milk, and eggs. [1980, 1990] "Factory Farming: The Experiment That Failed", Animal Welfare Institute, P.O. Box 3650, Washington, DC 20007. Fact-packed indictment of factory-farming on welfare and economic grounds. [1988] "Waste of the West: Public Lands Ranching", Lynn Jacobs, P.O. Box 5784, Tucson, AZ 85703. "Do Hens Suffer in Battery Cages?", Michael Appleby, The Athene Trust, 5a Charles St, Petersfield, Hants GU32 3EH. Scientific evidence of hen suffering. [1991] "Alternative to Factory Farming", Paul Carnell, Earth Resources Research Publishers, London. Factory farming challenged on economic grounds. [1983] "Chicken and Egg: Who pays the price?", Clare Druce, Green Print Publishers, London. A criticism of the poultry industry. [1989] "Taking Stock: Animal Farming and The Environment", Alan Durning and Holly Brough, Worldwatch Paper 103, WorldWatch Institute, 1776 Mass. Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20036-1904. The environmental cost of animal farming. [1991] "Assault and Battery", Mark Gold, Pluton Publishers, London. Effects of farming on animals, humans and the environment. [1983] "Animal Machines", Ruth Harrison, Vincent Stuart Publishers, London. The first book on factory farming. [1964] "Facts about Furs", G. Nilsson, et. al., Animal Welfare Institute, (op. cit.). On fur-farming and trapping. [1980] "Pulling the Wool", Christine Townend, Hale and Ironmonger Publishers, Sydney, Australia. The Australian wool and sheep industry. [1985] Animal Rights History "All Heaven in a Rage", E. S. Turner. Provides a history of the animal protection movement up to the 1960's. [1964] "Animal Warfare", David Henshaw, Fontana Publishers, London. The rise of direct action for Animal Rights. [1984] "History of the Humane Movement", Charles D. Niven, Johnson Publishers, London. From antiquity to today. [1967] "Animal Revolution", Richard Ryder, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. Overview of the history of AW and AR movements. [1985] "The Animal Liberation Movement: Its Philosophy, Its Achievements and Its Future", Peter Singer, Old Hammond Press Publishers, Nottingham, [1986] "Man and the Natural World", Keith Thomas, Penguin, London. History from 1500 AD to 1800 AD. [1991] Animal Rights Legislation "Animals and their Legal Rights", The Animal Welfare Institute, Washington D.C. [1990] "Animal Rights, Human Wrongs", S. Jenkins, Lennard Publishings, Harpenden, UK. An RSPCA officer's experiences demonstrate the lack of adequate animal legislation. [1992] "Up against the Law", J. J. Roberts, Arc Print, London. 1986 Public Order Act and its implications for Animal Rights protests. [1987] "Animals and Cruelty and Law", Noel Sweeney, Alibi, Bristol UK. A practicing barrister argues for Animal Rights from the legal standpoint. [1990] Animal Rights Theology "Christianity and the Rights of Animals", Andrew Linzey, Crossroad, New York. [1987] "Animal Sacrifices -- Religious Perspectives on the Use of Animals in Science", Tom Regan (Ed.), Temple University Press, PA. [1986] Circuses, Rodeos, and Zoos "The Rose-Tinted Menagerie", William Johnson, PETA (op. cit.), $16.50. Describes behind-the-scenes action in circuses, aquariums, and zoos. "Animals in Circuses and Zoos--Chiron's World?", Marthe Kiley-Worthington, Little Eco Farms Publishing, Basildon, UK. Investigation into the treatment of animals by zoos and circuses. [1990] "The Last Great Wild Beast Show", Bill Jordan and Stefan Ormrod, Constable Publishers, London. How animals are snatched from the wild to be shipped to zoos worldwide. [1978] "Beyond the Bars", Virginia McKenna, William Travers, Jonathan Wray (eds.), Thorsons Publishers, Wellingborough, UK. The immorality of animal captivity. [1987] Diet Ethics "Diet for a New America", John Robbins, PETA (op. cit.), $12.50 post-paid. Examines problems with animal-based food systems with solutions, info on the link between diet and disease. "Compassion: The Ultimate Ethic", V. Moran, American Vegan Society, NJ, USA. Exploration of veganism: its roots in eastern and western philosophy. [1991] "Food: Need, Greed and Myopia", G. Yates, Earthright, Ryton UK. World food problem seen from a vegetarian/vegan standpoint. [1986] "Radical Vegetarianism", Mark Braunstein, Panjandrum Books, Los Angeles. [1983] Guides, Handbooks, and Reference "Save the Animals! 101 Easy Things You Can Do", Ingrid Newkirk, PETA (op. cit.), $4.95. "67 Ways to Save the Animals", Anna Sequoia, Harper Perennial, $4.95. [1990] "The Animal Rights Handbook -- Everyday Ways to Save Animal Lives", Berkley Books, New York, $4.50. [1993] "PETA's Shopping Guide for Caring Consumers", PETA (op. cit.), $4.95. A must have! Lists names and addresses of cruelty-free companies. "Keyguide to Information Sources in Animal Rights", Charles R.Magel, AAVS (op. cit.), $24.95. "A Shopper's Guide to Cruelty-Free Products", Lori Cook, Bantam Books, New York, $4.99. [1991] "Animal Rights: A Beginner's Guide", Amy Achor, Writeware Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, $14.95. [1992] "The PETA Guide to Action for Animals", PETA (op. cit.), $4.00. "The Extended Circle: A Commonplace Book of Animal Rights", Wynne-Tyson (Ed.). Provides hundreds of quotes and short excepts from thinkers throughout history. [1989] "The Animal-Free Shopper", R. Farhall, R. Lucas, and A. Rofe A. (Eds.), The Vegan Society, 7 Battle Road, St. Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7AA, UK. [1991] "The Animal Welfare Handbook", C. Clough and B. Kew, 4th Estate, London, UK [1993] Laboratory Animals and Product Testing "Vivisection and Dissection in the Classroom: A Guide to Conscientious Objection", Gary L. Francione and Anna E. Charlton, AAVS (op. cit.), $7.95. Legal citings, sample pleadings, and letters. [1992] "Animals in Education: The Facts, Issues and Implications", Lisa Ann Hepner, Richmond Publishers, Albuquerque NM. [1994] "Entering the Gates of Hell: Laboratory Cruelty You Were Not Meant to See", Brian Gunn, AAVS (op. cit.), $10.00. "Animal Experimentation: The Consensus Changes", Gill Langley (Ed.), MacMillan Publishers, London. Collection of essays outlining the change in morality. [1991] "Slaughter of the Innocent", Hans Ruesch, Civitas Publications, Swaine, NY. [1983] "Naked Empress: The Great Medical Fraud", Hans Ruesch, CIVIS, Klosters, Switzerland. Why vivisection is a major cause of human disease. [1982] "Victims of Science: The Use of Animals in Research", Richard Ryder, National Anti-Vivisection Society, Centaur Press Publishers, Fontwell. Classic denunciation of vivisection. [1983] "The Cruel Deception: The Use of Animals in Medical Research", Robert Sharpe, Thorsons Publishers, Wellingborough, UK. Detailed study of the barbarity and uselessness of vivisection. [1989] "Free the Animals!", Ingrid Newkirk, PETA (op. cit.), $14.00. Story of the Animal Liberation Front in America. Periodicals "Animals Magazine", 350 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02130. "The Animals' Agenda", P.O. Box 6809, Syracuse, NY 13217-9953. "Animal People", P.O. Box 205, Shushan, NY 12873. "The Animals' Voice", P.O. Box 341-347, Los Angeles, CA 90034. "Between the Species", P.O. Box 254, Berkeley, CA 94701. "Bunny Hugger's Gazette", P.O. Box 601, Temple, TX 76503-0601. Wildife "The Politics of Extinction", L. Regenstein, Collier-Macmillan, London. Classic denunciation of the wildlife carnage. [1975] "Wildlife and the Atom", L. Veal, London Greenpeace, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX, UK. The use of animals by the nuclear industry. [1983] SEE ALSO: #01, #94